Eagle Eye is a fast paced Big Brother meets 2001: space odyssee kinda film. We have seen this film before many times over; some cloaked figure is using the good guys as human lab rats, putting them through all kinds of near death moments, never revealing the real reason. But our brave protagonist has more than meets the eye and searches for the meaning of it all trying to save their skin and that of their new found loved ones before it is too late...blah,blah,blah! Actually I am a fan of these kinds of films, they do their job, they entertain the hell out of me!
Eagle Eye has just a little bit more though; Firstly they have Shia Labeouf heading up the main role as the anti-hero, this kid has more screen presence than just about anyone in his demographic. Second they take a stance against something real that we are all effected by at this crazy time in the world: The Patriot Act. I tend to find that most big budget action films throw hints at being topical, but Eagle Eye, is almost completely topical!
The Plot:
Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) returns home after the mysterious death of his successful twin brother. He and a single mother, Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan), find out that they have been framed as terrorists, and they are threatened into becoming members of a cell tasked to assassinate a politician.
Shia LaBeouf | ... | Jerry Shaw | |
Michelle Monaghan | ... | Rachel Holloman | |
Rosario Dawson | ... | Zoe Perez | |
Michael Chiklis | ... | Defense Secretary | |
Anthony Mackie | ... | Major William Bowman | |
Ethan Embry | ... | Agent Toby Grant | |
Billy Bob Thornton | ... | Agent Thomas Morgan | |
Anthony Azizi | ... | Ranim Khalid | |
Cameron Boyce | ... | Sam Holloman | |
Lynn Cohen | ... | Mrs. Wierzbowski | |
Bill Smitrovich | ... | Admiral Thompson | |
Charles Carroll | ... | Mr. Miller | |
William Sadler | ... | William Shaw | |
Deborah Strang | ... | Jerry's Mom | |
Dariush Kashani | ... | Sgt. Rourke (Translator) |
The Movie:
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